Category: Insights

  • Income Tax Return for Electing Under Section 216

    The following article is a case study on a non-resident of Canada taxpayer, named Cameron, and how he should deal with his Canadian rental property for tax purposes. Facts about Cameron’s tax situation: Receives $3,000 monthly rental income from his beautiful home in Vancouver. Loves warm weather and is retired, so decided to move to […]

  • Changes to working from home for employees in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

    CRA has provided two new options for claiming employment expenses related to working from home in 2020. New – Temporary Flat Rate Method – where employees can claim a flat rate amount of $2/day to a maximum of $400.  Under this method, no employer certification is required. Simplified Detailed Method – for employees who claim […]

  • U.S. Taxation of Stock Options – Part 1

    Introduction Stock option plans are a popular method to attract, motivate, and create loyalty among employees in both Canada and the US. The tax treatment of stock options is complex, and rules vary between different countries. This article is part-one of a three-part series.  First, we will discuss US tax implications of stock options.  Part-two […]

  • New Rent Subsidy – Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)

    The Government of Canada rolled out a new rent subsidy retroactively covering September 27, 2020 until June 2021. This new rent subsidy is similar to the previous rent subsidy originally announced at the beginning of the pandemic, however, this version does not require the participation of landlords. Eligibility criteria To be eligible for the CERS […]

  • What is Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI)?

    Global Intangible Low Tax Income (GILTI)was introduced as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was signed into law in December 2017. Its purpose is to discourage US taxpayers from shifting corporate profits outside the US to low income tax or zero-tax jurisdictions. GILTI results in tax being imposed on the earnings of […]

  • Thinking of purchasing a new vehicle? Consider a zero-emission vehicle and take advantage of tax incentives.

    Are you in the market for a new vehicle?  The Government of Canada has come up with tax incentives to steer taxpayers towards purchasing zero-emission vehicles in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. What is a Zero-emission vehicle?  The CRA has defined zero-emission vehicles into the following categories. Plug-in hybrid Electric Powered by […]

  • Working from home? Consider claiming home office deductions.

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic many employees now have the option to continue working from home. This leave taxpayers wondering if they can deduct home office expenses related to their employment income on their 2020 tax return. Here is everything you need to know about being eligible for home office deductions. Typically, an employee can claim […]

  • Are You a Day Trader or Investor? Here is How that affects your Taxes.

    A growing number of taxpayers are trading on the stock market using online broker accounts. Knowing how to report gains/losses from trading activity accurately on your tax return is especially important since failing to do so can end up being a costly mistake and leave you owing lots of money to CRA. The most important […]

  • A look at the new Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)

    Many people are still being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and require support.  The Government of Canada has introduced three new benefit programs, The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB).  In this article, I will discuss the features of the Canada Recovery Benefit. Before […]

  • Are you a plumber, electrician, or HVAC company? Don’t miss out on claiming your apprenticeship tax credits!

    Apprenticeship Tax Credits are available for salaries paid to eligible apprentices working under various trades programs.  Employers who hire apprentices registered in Red Seal programs are eligible to claim: Tax credit for each apprentice who is in their first 24 months of apprenticeship for 10% of wages up a maximum of $2,000 per year. Employers […]