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Online bookkeeping, what is it, why does it matter?

Online bookkeeping is the process of maintaining and organizing financial records digitally, as opposed to traditional paper-based methods. It uses cloud-based applications such as QuickBooks, Xero, or other online bookkeeping software to record, store, and track financial transactions. This includes recording income, expenses, payments, and other financial transactions. The software allows users to access the information from anywhere, which makes it easy to share financial data with accountants, bookkeepers, and other members of the organization. Online bookkeeping also enables automation of certain tasks, such as bank and credit card account reconciliation, and the generation of financial reports such as income statements and balance sheets.


Online bookkeeping software can automate a variety of tasks, including:

  1. Bank and credit card account reconciliation: Transactions can be automatically imported and categorized, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  2. Invoicing and billing: Software can automatically generate invoices and send them to customers.
  3. Payment processing: Software can accept payments electronically, reducing the need for manual data entry.
  4. Financial reports: Many online bookkeeping software offers a wide range of financial reports, such as income statements and balance sheets, that can be generated with just a few clicks.
  5. Reminder for bills payments: Some software has reminder for bills payments, recurring transactions, and other financial tasks.
  6. Budgeting and forecasting: Some software allows you to create budgets and forecast future financial performance, which can help you make more informed decisions about your business.
  7. Automatic categorization of transactions: Software can automatically categorize transactions based on the merchant name, type of purchase, or other criteria, making it easy to track expenses and monitor your spending.

By automating these tasks, online bookkeeping software can save businesses time and reduce the risk of errors, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their operations.


Reconciling your online bookkeeping is an essential step in maintaining accurate financial records for your business. It involves comparing your bank and credit card statements to the transactions recorded in your online bookkeeping software to ensure that they match and all transactions are accounted for. In this blog post, we will explore why reconciling your bookkeeping is important and how it can benefit your business.

Why reconciling matters

One of the most crucial reasons to reconcile your online bookkeeping is to ensure the accuracy of your financial records. By comparing your bank and credit card statements to the transactions recorded in your online bookkeeping software, you can identify and correct any errors or discrepancies. This can prevent inaccuracies in your financial reports and can help you make more informed decisions about your business.

Reconciling your bookkeeping can also help you identify and prevent fraud. By regularly reviewing your transactions, you can spot any unusual or suspicious activity and take action to prevent it. This can help you protect your business from financial losses and can prevent damage to your reputation.

Reconciling your bookkeeping can also help you identify opportunities to improve your cash flow. By regularly reviewing your transactions, you can identify patterns and trends in your spending and revenue, which can help you make more informed decisions about how to manage your cash flow. This can help you improve your financial stability and can help you take advantage of opportunities to grow your business.

Additionally, reconciling your online bookkeeping can help you stay compliant with tax laws and regulations. By ensuring that your financial records are accurate, you can ensure that you are reporting your income and expenses correctly, which can help you avoid penalties and fines.

Accurate financial reports

Accurate financial reports are crucial for any business, and online bookkeeping is an essential tool to generate them. They provide business owners with a clear and detailed overview of their financial situation and can be used to make informed decisions about their operations. Without accurate financial reports, businesses may make decisions based on inaccurate or incomplete data, which can lead to financial losses and poor performance. By using online bookkeeping software to generate financial reports, businesses can ensure that the data is accurate and up-to-date, which can help them make informed decisions about their operations and stay compliant with tax laws and regulations. In short, accurate financial reports generated from online bookkeeping are the foundation for a business to make sound financial decisions and grow in the long run.

Why you need an experienced accountant to help with your online bookkeeping

An experienced accountant can be a valuable asset when it comes to online bookkeeping. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Expertise in accounting and tax laws: An experienced accountant has the knowledge and expertise to ensure that your bookkeeping is done in compliance with accounting and tax laws, which can help you avoid penalties and fines.
  2. Customization: An experienced accountant can help you customize your online bookkeeping system to fit the specific needs of your business, which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your financial operations.
  3. Reconciliation: An experienced accountant can help you reconcile your bookkeeping with your bank and credit card statements, which can help ensure the accuracy of your financial records.
  4. Reporting: An experienced accountant can help you interpret and analyze the financial reports generated by your online bookkeeping software, which can help you make more informed decisions about your business.
  5. Support: An experienced accountant can provide ongoing support for your online bookkeeping, which can help you troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may arise.
  6. An experienced accountant can help you set up your bookkeeping system in a way that will save you time and money in the long run by providing you with the best software and platforms options.
  7. An experienced accountant can help you plan for tax season and ensure that you are taking advantage of all available deductions and credits.

In summary, an experienced accountant can provide valuable assistance when it comes to online bookkeeping. They can help ensure compliance with accounting and tax laws, customize the system to fit your business’s needs, reconcile your bookkeeping with bank statements, interpret financial reports, provide ongoing support, and help you save time and money.

Contact Argento CPA today if you need online bookkeeping.  Our team are experts when it comes to online bookkeeping setup and ongoing support.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


Insights News

Digital adoption business plan, what is it?

The government of Canada has earmarked $4 billion to fund Canadian small businesses with grants and loans to help them become more competitive in the global marketplace. To get approved for this grant, you need to work with a government-certified digital advisor who can help you through the process of creating a digital adoption business plan.

To obtain the $15,000 grant, you will work with a certified digital advisor to create a business plan around digital adoption. The plan will cover two main things.

  1. Digital Assessment
  2. Digital Strategy

Digital assessment

Successful organizations are embracing technology and finding new ways to implement it and improve key metrics like EBITDA. With a digital assessment, you will get a 360-degree bird’s eye view of where your company stands across all areas of your business, such as accounting, operations and processes, sales and marketing, and information technology.

The following are the components of a successful business plan assessment:

SWOT analysis: Identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will help clarify the state of your company. This textbook procedure outlines where your company stands in the marketplace and gives you a great starting point to generate ideas for an action plan.

Identify external issues and business goals: What are your business goals? What are you trying to achieve in the next 3 and 1 years? Break down the external marketplace components and competitors competing with you and your business goals. Then, outline your business model and gain clarity on your current value proposition.

Key technology: What technology are you using? How does that technology help your business, and are there any redundancies?

Roadmap/action plan: What needs improvement in your business? When is it going to happen, and what will it cost? A prioritized roadmap will help get buy-in from your team and increase the likelihood of successful implementation and execution of your business plan.

Digital strategy

You have identified many things that need to be improved or implemented over time. Are there themes to the action plan items? Breaking down all your potential improvement opportunities into themes will help you prioritize and lump similar tasks together, resulting in higher levels of success when it comes to the execution of the business plan.

The following are components of a successful strategy plan:

Vision: The purpose of a vision statement is to clarify what you are trying to achieve with the strategic plan at the highest level. This will align your organization with the objectives set out in the plan.

Strategic themes: Listing out the top three to four strategic themes will help you categorize your action plan items and help guide you to scope the projects that must be executed to achieve your strategic vision.  

Solutions and projects: You must dive into specific solutions to your organization’s problems. 

What will the solution cost? What’s a priority? There are many ways to solve a problem, but you need to research and compare the best solutions for your situation.

Communication: How often will you communicate with your team, and in what format? In what format will information be shared and saved? It’s crucial to set expectations for communication so that the team can stay aligned and on schedule with the execution of the plan.

Accountability: Who is responsible for what tasks in the execution? Every deliverable you identify in the strategic plan must have someone accountable for its execution. Accountability is necessary because it removes bottlenecks that prevent the successful implementation of plans and help share the load of work between responsible parties.  

Measurables: What are the key measurables that you will use to monitor your success and ensure that the strategic plan has been implemented and successful? How will you know this plan worked? Set measures for success while preparing your plan so that you know when it’s working.

Challenges: In boxing, it’s the punch you don’t see coming that knocks you out. Take time to identify potential challenges that could pop up and prevent you from execution. Think about what could go wrong with the plan and what you will do if these challenges arise. The most significant barriers to successful execution are often time, money, and the right people in the right seat to help with the project. Do you have the capacity to execute?

Overall, with a successful digital adoption business plan, you will lay out the foundations for execution. You will work on two main components: the assessment and strategy. If you plan well and work with an experienced advisor like us, we can increase the likelihood of your success by working with you to create a strategy that will transform your business and help you achieve your goals.

Contact Argento CPA today if you have any questions or looking for expert advice.  The government will cover 90% of the cost to create this digital adoption business plan and you may be eligible for up to $100,000 as an interest free loan that is not repayable for 5 years.  Take advantage of this government program while it lasts!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


Insights News

Choosing the right cloud software for your business

More and more businesses understand the advantages of choosing the right cloud software. The cloud can improve efficiency, scalability, and security for any organization. However, with such a wide variety of options on the market, it may take time to decide which is best suited for you.

What is the cloud, and why should your business use it

The cloud is a remote computing system that allows users to access and store data and applications online instead of on physical storage devices. It eliminates the need for hardware, software, and maintenance costs associated with traditional IT systems, making it an attractive and budget-friendly option for businesses of all sizes.

There are many reasons why your business should use the cloud. The cloud can help you work smarter and faster by providing access to your data and applications from any device, anywhere in the world. It can also help you scale your business quickly and easily by allowing you to add or remove resources as needed. And with the increasing number of cyber threats, cloud software can help keep your data safe and secure.

The different types of cloud systems

Three types of cloud options are available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The most common type of cloud software is called Software As A Service (SAAS). This service simply provides access to a program hosted on the providers’ system, typically accessed by a web browser (for example, Gmail or Quickbooks Online).

The second main category of cloud software is Platform As A Service (PAAS). PAAS provides the infrastructure to create and run applications on the provider’s system. Usually, developers use it to build apps that can take advantage of the cloud’s scalability and efficiency.

Finally, Infrastructure As A Service (or IAAS) is software that allows you to rent computing resources from the provider—typically used by businesses that need to scale their computing resources quickly and easily.

So, how do you choose the right cloud software for your business?

When choosing the right cloud software for your business, it is vital to consider your organization’s specific needs. Some software options may be better suited for businesses that need to store a lot of data, while others may be better for businesses that need to access their data from anywhere in the world.

Another critical factor is how other businesses have fared using the software. Talk to other owners that have used it and get their feedback. This can help you make a more informed decision about which cloud-based software is right for your business.

Finally, look at only a few options at a time. Evaluating too many at once can be overwhelming and might lead to a decision based on something other than facts. So instead, choose two or three options and evaluate them before making a decision.

Consider what kind of data you’re outsourcing and where it is stored

When choosing the right cloud software to use for your business, you must consider the type of data you’re outsourcing. If you’re handling sensitive or confidential data, it is critical to ensure that the provider has security measures.

The provider you choose should be SOC2 compliant. This certification shows that the provider has met security and compliance standards.

The SOC2 report is a document that provides detailed information about how the provider meets these standards. Therefore, it is important to review this document(or have an experienced professional familiar with this type of document review) before deciding which provider to use for your business.

Make sure to ask the software provider about their data storage security measures and do some research on that company (Sales reps will typically disclose after prompting the recent security breaches their company may have had.).

Tips for using cloud software successfully in your business

When choosing the right cloud software in your business, there are a few things to keep in mind to succeed. First, ensure that everyone in your organization is on board with using the software. This includes employees, management, and any other stakeholders.

Second, make sure you have a plan for how the software will be used, including figuring out which applications or data will be stored in the cloud and setting up protocols for accessing it.

Finally, be prepared to adapt as needed. The cloud is a flexible technology and can be adapted to meet the needs of your business. If something needs fixing, feel free to change course and find a solution that does work.

When you’re using a cloud service, who owns my data, and who is responsible for it?

The answer to this question can depend on the type of cloud software that you’re using.

Your data is important, and you should be sure that you trust the company you’re entrusting with it. It’s important to ask who owns your data and what they plan to do with it. Some companies will sell your data to third-party vendors, while others will use it for marketing purposes. Be sure to understand the company’s policies on data ownership before deciding whether or not to use their cloud software.

Ultimately you are responsible for the data you input into any cloud system. So ensure you are adequately informed about your storage choices.


One of the key benefits of using cloud software is that your data is stored off-site, which can offer increased security and disaster recovery. However, it is essential to remember that you are still responsible for backing up your data.

You could lose your data if something happens to your provider’s data center. Therefore, it is important to have a backup plan in place. Your backup plan should include both on-site and off-site backups.

When choosing a cloud provider, ask about their data backup and disaster recovery plans. Make sure that these plans meet your needs and are feasible for your business. Often there are third-party solutions that offer integration with popular cloud platforms for backing up your data.

Take a slow approach to the adoption of cloud apps

Cloud app creep the term used to describe the tendency of businesses to gradually move more and more of their operations to the cloud. This can be a great thing for businesses, as it can provide a number of benefits, such as increased efficiency and scalability.

However, it’s important to know the risks associated with cloud app creep. These risks include data security breaches and loss of control over company data.

Another double-edged sword when using cloud products is their ease of deployment. This is good, as it allows you to add resources as you need, but also bad as you could see your IT costs balloon to an unsustainable point quite quickly.

It’s important to carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of cloud-based software before adding more operations to the cloud. In addition, it is vital to review your bills monthly to monitor changes in your services.

In conclusion

When it comes to choosing the right cloud software, there are many different options available, and it is not easy to pick the right one for your business. In this article, we’ve provided tips for using cloud software successfully in your business and outlined some things to keep in mind when making that decision. We also discussed who is responsible for your data when using cloud software and what you need to ask before deciding which provider to use. Finally, we advised caution when adopting cloud apps and moving carefully to avoid potential risks.

With the expansion of available cloud technologies, making an informed decision takes time and effort. Make sure to speak with an advisor familiar with the products you’re looking into before making a purchase.


Insights News

Boost Your Business for $15K

Small and medium businesses are the lifeblood of the Canadian economy. That’s why the government is investing in digital adoption plans to help businesses compete in a global market. Through the boost your business grant program, business owners can receive grants to develop a roadmap for their company’s technology future. This will facilitate an improvement in efficiency, an increase in productivity, and staying competitive in an ever-changing world.

The new program is designed to help companies become more efficient. The goal is to build up process-oriented organizations that allow workers to make timely decisions without needing constant direction. This leads to helping services be delivered more smoothly to customers.

They want to foster a culture of efficiency following the Kaizen methodology.

How this works

The Canadian government wants to provide organizations with the ability to place technology at the heart of their business strategy by hiring specifically designated consultants who can give them analysis and direction on this endeavor. 

Eligibility for boost your business grant is based under the following criteria:

          Be a for-profit incorporated business in Canada

          Have 1 – 499 employees

          Annual revenue between $500K and $100M in any of the past 3 years.

What you get

Eligible businesses can get up to a $15,000 grant towards working with a certified digital advisor in creating a plan. This grant will pay for up to 90% of the cost of this service.

At the end of this service, you will receive a completed analysis on the state of technology within your business, as well as a detailed roadmap to follow with your organizational goals in mind.

Some examples of what you might look for in a plan include:

  • Analysis of current technologies and how they can be made more in line with your business objectives.
  • Discovering what data can be better visualized for immediate actionable insights.
  • Understanding your cybersecurity exposure, steps to mitigate your risks, and better preparation for a security audit.
  • What systems and processes are better automated
  • What systems are linkable for improved data synergy

With this boost your business grant, you can pay for an IT Director to step into your organization and provide a clear understanding of where you are at, and then mapping out what you need to do to get where you want to be, for a fraction of the normal cost.

Where to start

Businesses who qualify can get started at the ‘Canada Digital Adoption’ website.  First you would use an existing CGKey or sign up for a new one on their website.

From this site, confirm your eligibility to the boost your business grant, then you are given access to their database of trusted advisors. You can search for and select an advisor of your choice to work with. Once your plan has been completed, you submit that plan and the invoice from your digital advisor. You will then get reimbursed 90% of the invoice cost within 30 days of submitting this plan for approval.

Any plans that come back rejected(rare) are looked at by the program and further guided on how to complete them to be in line with the requirements of the grant.

0% Interest Loan of up to $100,000

Once a digital adoption plan has been successfully completed and accepted, businesses are then qualified to receive a 5-year no-interest loan from BDC to help with implementing the strategy.  Businesses with a revenue of $500K to $5M can request a loan between $25K and $50K.  Business with a revenue of $5M or more can request a loan between $25K and $100K.

A business has 1 year to apply for the loan after the digital adoption plan has been accepted.

What can the loan be used for?

  • Cloud accounting systems
  • Customer relationship software (CRM)
  • Digital marketing and SEO
  • Cybersecurity
  • Dashboards to track key performance indicators
  • Developing automation with your finance function
  • Hiring expert digital advisors

Students to the rescue!

Furthermore, the government wants to help with implementation of these initiatives by offering subsidies in hiring technology students. Once a Digital adoption plan has been accepted, businesses can request access to a youth placement provider to help the organization find a recent graduate with the skillset they need.  The program can offer up to $7300 in wage subsidies towards this endeavor.

This was a basic summary of the offer from the Canada Government, and the full program guide can be found on their website here.

Argento CPA’s role in all of this

Argento CPA is an authorized Digital Advisor and brings to the table the same care and attention to this endeavor that we bring to our accounting clients.

Your business success is our bottom line.  We’ll work with you every step of the way in this plan to make sure we’re meeting your needs.  We’ll guide you through the entire application process as well as work with you step by step to clarify your digital roadmap.

We have the experience that can help with not only automated accounting systems, but information security, network configuration, cloud application configuration, automation, and a variety of other technologies.

Contact us today to see how we can help get you started!


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Accounting for Marketing Agencies

Taking the same approach to accounting for marketing agencies as you would for any other type of organization might not be the best path. You wouldn’t want your client’s marketing strategy to be all over the place, would you?  As an agency, your strategy involves getting an understanding of your clients’ buyer’s journey, and sales process and you create a strategy to deliver the best results.  Accounting and taxes are no different from that.

Your accountant should spend time upfront getting to know your systems and processes, what you have implemented in the past and discover what works and what doesn’t.  From there, use a custom-tailored approach to get you the results you’re looking for.  Financial clarity on key metrics and automation to save you time.

Key reports for agencies

Profit Report – you want to have 100% financial clarity on your income.  Profit reporting is the basis for some of the biggest decisions in your business.  This report breaks down all your revenues and expenses.  If it’s not accurate, you could be making wrong decisions.  You don’t just want to know your net income either, you need a detailed breakdown of your revenue streams and expenses so that you know exactly what you are spending money on.  With accuracy, you can budget and forecast and compare budgets to actual so that you know if you are hitting your targets or not.  Without this information, you could be making poor decisions to hire more staff, increase budgets for ad spending, and many other key decisions.  

Customer Acquisition Costs – When your profit reporting is accurate, we can determine what your customer acquisition costs are.  This is key to your business’s growth because it tells you exactly how much money you need to spend to acquire new customers.  Your customer acquisition cost is calculated by taking your total sales and marketing expenses divided by the total number of new customers.  In accounting for marketing agencies, your accountant should be the one who reports this metric to you because they should know all these details after reconciling your books.  Our agencies get this metric delivered in their monthly report as a trailing average, so they know whether this number is improving or getting worse over time.  With this number accurately reported, you can move to the next calculation in the value equation and understand your customer’s lifetime value.

Customer Lifetime Value – How much does one new client earn your business in the long run?  If you don’t know this metric, you can bet your competition does.  And they are using this calculation to land more deals than you.  Your customer lifetime value is the average value per deal x # of deals per client x # of years they are your client.  Let’s use an example from the accountant’s perspective.  XYZ Agency engages with us for bookkeeping and taxes for $10,000/year.  The gross margin on this engagement is 50%.  This means our average value on the deal is $5,000.  XYZ Agency has 1 transaction per year for $10,000 and works with us for 10 years.  That means the customer lifetime value is $5,000 (gross margin) x 1 transaction per year x 10 years = $50,000.  Wow!  This client would have a lifetime value of $50,000 with our firm!  What a great client.  Getting to think about customer lifetime value is a key thought process that drives your business growth, because the more you can increase this value, the more long-term revenue, and profits you will earn.  But there is more to it than just numbers.  You need to increase customer lifetime value in other ways, such as client loyalty and other value-added services.  To get someone to stick around for 10 years means there are more reasons why they should do business with you.  You have to stay on the cutting edge of innovation to come up with new ideas on how you can keep these clients around.

Revenue Per Employee

This is a very simple but important metric to calculate.  Take your total revenue divided by the number of employees on your team.  Does this number make sense?  Whether it makes sense or not depends on your goals.  Every business has different targets.  We have seen some of these metrics be as high as $500,000 per employee, down to $150,000 per employee.  It depends on your goals and where your agency lies on the value spectrum. 

Key Automation

We know that you creative agencies out there are tech-savvy.  So here are some aspects of your financial functions we recommend automating when doing accounting for marketing agencies.

Accounts Receivable

Cashflow is the lifeblood of your business.  Make sure you are paid on time by invoicing directly from QuickBooks Online and using the in-app credit card collection feature.  If your repeat customers are happy to pay direct deposit, you could even set up your accounts receivable process using an app like Rotessa or Plooto to save on those pesky merchant fees.  We highly recommend to clients get direct debit payments when possible.  3% of your total revenue adds up quickly!                 

Accounts Payable

Plooto is our go-to app for payables.  The thing we love most about Plooto is it’s reconciliation feature.  This makes matching bills to bill payments seamless and keeps your records accurate and up-to-date.


If you’re like most agencies we work with, you are using a CRM or sales app of some sort.  If it doesn’t come with direct integration, use Zapier to connect your apps together so that your finance function is interconnected and removes duplicate contacts/information from your database. 


Dext Prepare will be your main hub to all expenses, bills and invoices.  It connects with your cloud apps and helps you fetch invoices directly from service providers.  For example, connect your Google, Facebook, and Outlook accounts to Dext, and let the app fetch your invoices directly into Dext.  From there, we take your invoices and match them to your payments in QuickBooks or Xero.  What you get at the end of the day is a hands-off approach to gathering financial information for your accountant.  We accountants love this feature because we don’t have to keep bugging you about invoices, and get can get the info we need with ease so that your records are 100% audit-proofed on the cloud.

These are just a couple of the automations we recommend when doing accounting for marketing agencies, but there are plenty more areas where you could improve your finance function.

At the end of the day, you need to think about how your finance function is automated and delivering you the financial clarity you need to make better decisions.  There is more to bookkeeping than keeping records and audit-proofing for CRA.  The key is to understand exactly what these numbers mean and work with your accountant to create an action plan and grow your business.

Contact Argento CPA today if you have any questions or looking for expert advice on accounting systems setup and reporting on your key numbers.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances

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Best Time Management Tips For Business Owners

As you’ve probably experienced by now, time management is essential as time is the most valuable asset you possess. And if you’re like most business owners, you’re eager to find ways to maximize your time. 

This is why learning and implementing time management practices is so critical for business owners. 

Here are some of our best time management tips for business owners:

Delegate When Possible

For founders, their business is their baby. And since you likely went through a stage where you did or were involved in every aspect of your business, it can be hard to delegate. 

But the reality is that as your business grows, you won’t have the capacity to be involved in everything. You’ll need to let go and delegate, otherwise, you will become the bottleneck for growth. 

Here are three tips to make delegation a little easier:

  • Make a list of things only you can do and delegate everything else to a trusted employee. 
  • Spend time training and working alongside the team members you delegate to, this builds your confidence in them and makes it easier to pass things along. 
  • Consider hiring an assistant or virtual assistant. By doing this you can delegate all the small tasks you have throughout your day, such as setting up appointments or reading through emails.

Have a Plan to Stay On Top of Time Management

With all the things you have going on, it’s common to feel like you are being pulled in every direction. This is where having a plan becomes a critical business asset. 

Having a detailed plan in place can help you prioritize and check more of your action items off your list, leading to more productivity. This will also help you make business decisions more consistent with your goals since it serves as a reminder of where you want to take your business and what needs to be done to get you there. 

Here are some of the main reasons why you take the time to create a plan. 

  • It opens up some of your mental bandwidth. 
    • Since you no longer need to spend energy thinking about what you need to do, you can focus on getting things done. 
  • It improves your mindset. 
    • By checking things off your list, you’ll feel more productive and have a tangible idea of how much you are getting done. 
  • A plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 
    • You can do something straightforward or even on a week-to-week basis to make it more manageable. 

Eliminate Distractions to Master Time Management

Your time is, without a doubt, your most valuable asset. As a business owner, your time impacts every aspect of your business, which can make any distractions costly.

The problem is that in today’s world, we have dozens of ways to get distracted, and some of those ways can even trick us into thinking that we’re being productive.

Here are some tips to help you eliminate distractions:

  • Don’t look at your email all day, or at least minimize the number of times during your day that you check it.
    • Email is handy, but rarely are they urgent. As a matter of fact, email shouldn’t be used for anything urgent. So responding immediately will simply take you off task. 
  • Ignore your smartphone unless you get an actual call. 
    • Our beloved smartphones have taken over our lives. They can help you be productive, but they are filled with powerful distractions such as social media. 
  • Minimize the number of meetings you attend. 
    • Most sessions are often unnecessary and take away both you and your team’s time.

Work During Your Most Productive Times

Everyone has different times of the day where they can be the most productive. It’s different for everyone because it’s determined by personal preference and everyone’s individual physiology.

Working during the most productive time of the day can be the difference between feeling great and energized or feeling rundown, all with the same amount of work. 

Experiment with what are the best times of the day for the different types of work you do on a daily basis. Once you’ve found what works, make sure you block out those times for your work and keep them free of meetings or anything else that may get in the way.

Stay on Top of Your Finances

Your finances are the lifeblood of your business. Staying on top of them throughout the year allows you to know exactly where you stand and provides valuable information for making decisions. The problem is, unless you have a strong financial background, this can be a time-consuming and draining task. 

To ensure you are using your time effectively, turn to a trusted accounting partner. They’ll help you carry your financial load and you can be confident things are being done timely and accurately.

When working with Argento CPA, you will collaborate to identify what your top priorities are and where you should be focusing your time.

Argento CPA is the perfect option for small business owners looking to maximize their time. Visit to learn more. 

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How Your Budget vs Actual Report Helps You Reach Your Goals

With a busy business and not much time to really dive into financials or create a well thought out budget, it’s important you know which reports produce the most value and which provide you with the most insight in the least amount of time.

We’d argue budget vs actuals are the set of reports that deliver this value. When your budget and actuals are closely aligned and working together, you are closer to reaching your goals.

What Is the Connection Between Budgets, Actuals, and Goals?

Your goals are a depiction of where you hope your business will go. These goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timebound).

Your budget is an assumption of where you expect to spend your money over a given timeframe. Your SMART goals, industry benchmarks, and first-party company data show you where you’ll need to spend the money and how much to achieve those goals.

Your actuals are your current financials. You have certain expenses that stay more or less the same. For example, as an entrepreneur, you may invest in email outreach software. You know how much it costs every month and can budget precisely for it. Your utility bills also stay roughly the same.

For other expenses, the budget may not stay so steady. Supply chain issues may raise the cost of raw materials. You may find your advertising budget didn’t deliver adequate leads to meet revenue goals, so you have to spend more than you planned. These variances happen.

The better you understand them, the more accurate your budget becomes each year.

All three (goals, budget, actuals) can work together to improve your business. And because your budget is created with your goals in mind, comparing your actuals to your budget will tell you how close (or far) you are from reaching your goals.

Analyze the variance to answer important questions like:

  • Am I spending in areas that are increasing revenues?
  • Could I perform better in certain areas if I allocated more money to a certain expense?
  • Are there areas where I can cut expenses to increase profits?
  • Do I have enough capital to run this business or need to seek funding?

What does a Budget vs Actuals variance look like? It may take on many forms and could be positive or negative:

  • More sales than expected (good)
  • Higher profits (great)
  • Missed goals or KPIs (room for improvement)
  • Higher expenses than budgeted (you can do better)

It’s important to note that just because variance is positive doesn’t mean you should fail to take a closer look at it. A variance that goes significantly in your favor could suggest you’ve got greater growth potential than you’re giving yourself credit for.

Your Budget Was (or Should’ve Been) Created with Your Goals in Mind

When you do this, your budget leads to more success.

You’ll have:

  • The ability to allocate your money more intentionally
    • Write down your goals and prioritize them. Make sure you’re aligning spending with those priorities. That doesn’t necessarily mean allocating more to your top priority but ensuring you’re spending the right amount to meet that goal.
  • A point of reference before making big decisions
    • Entrepreneurs are famous for their gut decisions. But when it comes down to it, having the data to back up those decisions helps you pursue opportunities with great confidence and a willingness to follow through with an adequate budget to make that happen. Stakeholders appreciate solid reasoning for decision-making.
  • Confidence in the ability to reach your goals
    • Sometimes it takes a little longer than expected to reach a goal, or early indicators suggest you’re not on the right track. During these times, knowing that decisions are based on financial data helps you both see it through and confidently make adjustments along the way.

Your Budget vs Actual Report Gets You Closer to Reaching Your Goals

Your actuals tell you what is going on within your business. They include both what you spend and how much income you generated. The better aligned these are, the greater cash flow you have to work with year over year.

Greater cash flow can do wonders for a business:

  • Settle debt early
    • Freeing up more cash
  • Return money to shareholders
    • Generating greater confidence in your company and desire to invest in you
  • Build a buffer against unexpected challenges
    • Greater flexibility to shift resources
  • Lower how much you pay for things
    • Lower per-unit prices by increasing production, paying in cash, always paying on time, etc.

On the other hand, when actuals don’t match your budget, it means there are improvements to be made. Generally, these require an adjustment in either:

  • Your spending habits
    • How much, where, when, as well as how you track and stay on top of that spending
  • Your budget
    • How you allocate money in your budget to meet your goals

These adjustments help to align your actuals and budget to get you closer to reaching your goals. Regularly checking your budget vs actuals report will help you make the needed changes as time goes on and gives you the chance to look over your goals to see if you are on track.

You can then develop a plan for success by asking:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What’s the gap (budget variance) you must overcome?

Now, create a plan to address that variance. Track and measure your results.

Consider Working with an Accounting Partner

Aligning your budget with your goals can be tedious, and even when that is mastered, there is still plenty of work that needs to be done to help ensure your actuals are hitting the requirements of your budget. But doing so can deliver significant rewards like increased cash flow, shareholder confidence, and growth.When you work with a trusted accounting partner, they’ll make sure everything is in line and working together the way it should be to see success. If you’re struggling to align your budget with actuals, consider Argento.


Your 5 steps towards success

Being an entrepreneur can be exciting, rewarding but also scary.  The path to success is a long road, and the bumps along the way can be discouraging.  Sometimes, the entrepreneur isn’t sure which route to take or even drives blindly down streets, not knowing where it will ultimately take them. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, you need a simplified method to navigate this complex and lifelong journey.

The first step towards success starts with “Awareness.” You must spend time reflecting on 1. Where you are now 2. Where do you want to go 3. What is your gap? 

Where you are now

What does your business look like today? Do you have a pulse on your financial situation? Or, is your business books a mess and you are too busy to get them organized? If the latter is true, you must get your books organized before moving onto the next steps. Understand where you are now and your 7 key numbers (revenue growth, gross profit, operating profit, revenue per employee, cash days, core cash target, and business return) makes you aware of your current situation. With that, you will better understand where you need to go.

Where you want to go

Everyone has their definition of what success means to them. First, you must clearly define what you want out of life. Write down how you want to spend your time and what type of work you want to do. What does your financial situation need to look like for you to be successful? By knowing what your future life will look like, you can translate that financial situation into what your 7 key numbers needs to look like. With that, you can reasonably measure the gap between where you are now and where you need to be.

What’s your gap? 

The gap is what we will need to close to achieve your success. Understanding your gap, is key to your success. To close your gap, you need an advisor to collaborate with to create an action plan.

Create a plan

You don’t want to design a plan randomly. It needs to be carefully thought out. Your most valuable resource is your time! I am willing to bet that your gap is also a pretty significant distance, and there isn’t such thing as a simplified plan to get there in one step. That’s where prioritizing comes in. Breaking down your gap into what can be done in the next 90 days makes your long road a shorter path. Breaking down big hairy audacious goals into bite-size actionable 90-day plans makes the complicated look simple. Our minds also respond well to achieving quick wins. Each time you cross something off your list (big or small), you release a small amount of serotonin, which increases your drive and motivation! Compound those quick wins over a long period, and you will be on top of your game, more motivated than ever. The small successes add up over time. By coming up with short-term tasks, you can prioritize which is most essential to complete now regarding the bigger picture of your long-term goals. 

At Argento CPA, we mastermind with our clients on what tasks should be completed now vs. later. Our ability to collaborate with our clients to make their dreams become a reality. We tailor our tasks around your 7 key numbers. Our insights give you the confidence to know what aspect of your business will likely give you the most significant profit and cash potential. 

With that, we can work together on actionable bite-size plans to complete in the next 90 days that are most important and beneficial to your overall stretch goal.

Measure and monitor your results vs. the plan

Lastly, you need to measure your actual results vs. what you set out to do. Nothing is perfect. You may fall short, or you may surpass your goals. The most important thing to take away from experience is reflection. Why did you fall short? Or why did you reach your goal? Spending time to analyze the variance between your financial model’s budget and actual results is where the magic happens. Having someone reliable to measure the results and brainstorm with you on why a variance exists is just one of the reasons you need a consultant. Knowing where you were before and what you did now will give you perspective on how you need to adjust your approach. Taking action is critical but adjusting your process when things don’t pan out is vital.

At Argento CPA, we understand entrepreneurs need more from their accountant than just tax compliance and bookkeeping. So, we are here to team up with you to guide you along your path to success. 

Contact Argento CPA to collaborate on your 5 steps to success!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


How will a budget help my business?

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Preparing your business budget is all about planning. A budget doesn’t have to be perfect. The most important thing is that you spend the time looking at where you are now and where you want to go. Then you can identify what realistic forecasts for your profit, expenses, and sales are.   

First, spend time writing down your goals. Be ambitious. Don’t worry if they look like they are not achievable right away. The goal here is to get your mind working at ways that it’s going to figure out these tasks. Our brain has developed over millions of years so that when we start to look at a problem (or a goal in this case), we can unconsciously think of how we are going to achieve it. With your goals subconsciously in the back of your mind, you will start figuring out all sorts of ways to achieve them. Doors will open, and you will take advantage.  

If you have set some ambitious goals (as you should), they aren’t likely to be achieved within one year. We suggest breaking your goals down from 10 years to 5 years, to 3 years, to 1 year, then 90 days. Start from 10 years and work your way down to 90 days. Using your ten years stretch goal as a stick in the sand, write down what needs to happen in 5 years for you to get there in 10 years. Then, do the same down to 90 days. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about starting somewhere and making an action plan. You are never going to get anywhere without acting and starting somewhere.

Next, turn those goals into numbers. What do your accounts need to look like to achieve them? If you are doing this for the first time, you can start with extracting your accounts from your online cloud accounting software, then inputting forecasted amounts so you can see where you need to go.

Look at where you are now and where you want to go. The difference is your gap. Start with the 90-day gap. Looking ahead only at 90 days makes your 10-stretch goal broken down into a bite-size actionable chunk. Where is the gap? Is it revenue, cost of sales, your capacity? Once you know the gap, you can start thinking of action steps to help work towards these goals.

See where things go after one month. Are you on track to meeting your 90-day budget? If not, adjust your action plan. The point is that you are setting a goal, creating an action plan, and changing your approach if things don’t work out. If things worked out, you can now increase the goalpost and set a new budget/forecast. The whole idea is for quick wins. You don’t need a radical change overnight. Doing 1% better each day can add up to a significant improvement over one year! Everyone can do 1% better.  

To achieve success, keep these things in mind.

1. Simplicity – The easier, the better. 

2. Review your budget at least monthly. Compare the budget to actual.

3. Have an accountability partner – see if you have a friend (or accountant) who can hold you to your goals and budget. Sharing your plans with someone sets that plan in stone. 

Have that person check in with you (at least monthly) to see how you are doing and discuss why you have (or haven’t) met your goals and budget. You will be surprised by how much accountability helps you succeed.  

“The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%”       

These numbers blew my mind! So that’s why at Argento CPA, we offer accountability in all our business advisory services. The accountability check-ins have done wonders for our clients, and it’s a simple strategy to achieve success.

At Argento CPA, we have made advisory simple.  Our 5-step process is as follows.

1. Understand where you are now?

2. Where you want to go?

3. What’s the gap?

4. Create a plan.

5. Measure results.

You didn’t start your business to become an accountant, and we get that! But that doesn’t mean your off the hook for setting budgets and financial models. Instead, hire a CPA who has experience with growing small businesses from scratch. Under our proven framework, we can help steer your business in the direction of your 10 year stretch goals, and work with you every month to make sure you have an action plan set in place, and goal post in sight.  

Contact Argento CPA for assistance on creating a budget and action plan!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Insights News

My business books are a mess, and I am too busy to get them organized!

Businesses have two choices when their business books get so messy – either decide whether it is worth their time to do it themselves or hire professional accountants who will do all the hard work involved. We suggest the latter.

Most businesses of all sizes fail to manage their business books, and they do this for one simple reason: they don’t know-how. If you’re not sure how to start, or if your bookkeeping is a mess with no end in sight, the chances are you need guidance from an experienced cloud accountant. A lot of business owners struggle with managing their books. It can be an arduous and long process, but it is important to know how your financials are doing. Keeping track of who owes you money, what you owe others, and where the cash flow is going in and out of your company will help keep you on top of everything and provide you key insights into how your business is functioning.

How can you aim for goals if you have no idea what your target is?

I don’t know about you, but my dart game isn’t exactly on point. I can barely hit the board when there’s nothing in front of me to obstruct my vision! Now imagine trying to throw a dart blindfolded into a moving target?!  It sounds like a nightmare if it were applied to your business—you couldn’t set budgets, would be hard-pressed finding out who owes what, then vendors start constantly calling with overdue bills, which you swear was paid last week – all this while having no clue about whether or not are even making a profit.  

Hire a cloud bookkeeper to get your business books organized.

You don’t just want any bookkeeper; you need an experienced cloud bookkeeper who understands the technology and automation of back-office tasks.   Back-office tasks are often ignored as they can seem tedious and forgotten. However, these jobs are just as important in a business’s success than any other aspect! They involve tax requirements, debt repayments, financial reporting, and forecasting; if left undone or done incorrectly, it could mean disaster, with its consequences being bankruptcy, amongst others. So, when your business books become too much work, take advantage of cloud accountants who will fix things up for you quickly so that all aspects of your company may continue functioning smoothly.

Every business owner’s BIGGEST RESOURCE is TIME.

There’s a popular time management analogy about rocks, pebbles, and sand. It goes something like this: Imagine you have an empty jar with some tiny grains of sand, small stones, and rocks (representing all the tasks that need doing). If you start to fill your jar by adding only the tiny grains of sand and small stones first, you’ll leave no space for larger rocks when they’re added last. Instead, fill the jar with rocks first, then stones, then sand. This way, there can be more room for strategically important tasks that help grow an organization. Putting the most important tasks first with high priority will allow you to make significant progress in growing your business.

Why waste your valuable time on doing something you are not good at? Instead, you should hire a cloud bookkeeper who knows the tips for cloud accounting and online bookkeeping.  Preventing messy business books is much easier than fixing messy business books. 

The chances are you are just too busy to get them organized yourself, and that is ok. Every other successful business is too busy too. Fixing your own books is like trying to put the sand into the jar first. You are leaving no room for the rocks (which are tasks like landing big business deals, delivering quality work, designing processes for your employees to become more efficient).

But isn’t it expensive to hire an accountant to do business bookkeeping?

Not when you consider the fact that if you are audited and cannot provide copies of receipts, the CRA will have the right to deny your expenses, and you will get no tax deduction. This means your tax returns will be reassessed, and you will be left with a surprise tax bill.   If you have an experienced cloud bookkeeper, they will find ways to automate data entry using tools like Dext and QuickBooks Online. In the end, this will save you time and money since technology and automation are improving the speed of data entry. This means your cloud bookkeeper can do more than just recordkeeping. At Argento CPA, we combine virtual accounting and bookkeeping technology and automation with unlimited, on-demand advice from Chartered Professional Accountants.

Contact Argento CPA today if your business books are a mess and you are too busy to get them organized!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.